Are these questions you are asking about IT management?
How can we move beyond our current collection of provider measures in order to establish broader, patient-centric episodes of care?
ZOLO consultants provide you with two decades of experience working with episodes of care reporting.
Since our reimbursement will be increasingly tied to performance reporting, how can we ensure that we are improving care while avoiding a negative financial impact?
ZOLO will help you establish a clinical reporting system that supports quality, cost and utilization measures for emerging reimbursement requirements.
What additional resources will be needed for our Health Information Technology (HIT) in order to support standardized integrated delivery system performance reporting?
ZOLO will perform a thorough HIT audit for your organization, assessing your technology, data and staffing needs.
What kind of performance measurement reporting is expected from our integrated delivery system to ensure that we are maintaining and improving quality of care?
ZOLO will help you implement standardized systems and reports that are automated, accurate and clinically meaningful.
Our organization has limited analytic capability. How can we make our performance measurement system robust yet practical and straight forward?
ZOLO can provide experienced analysts and proven measurement systems, along with educational support, to help you make sense of these new, sophisticated reporting requirements.
How do we compare our performance to standardized benchmarks?
ZOLO will provide you with national benchmark comparisons of measures related to episodes of care and quality of care.
How can we align our current performance measurement approach with a long-term strategy to create an episode-based system?
ZOLO will develop an architectural framework that will allow a cost efficient transition from your current systems. We will also work with you to collect the core data and measures across all providers and payers needed for episode of care reporting.